My friend Justin, wanted my help to make a LED Tube Light, so this is the result for all of you to see.
The tube light is a row of LED’s which runs on 110 or 220 volts AC, just like your ordinary Fluorescent Tube Light.
List of parts required.
100 pieces or more of Very Bright White LED’s of 5mm size.
1-or more Non Polarized Capacitor .33uF to .47uF rated 250v to 300 volts for —-110v AC
1-or more Non Polarized Capacitor .22 uF rated 400 volts -for 220 volts for AC
1 or more Resistance of 1k -1 watt for —-110v AC
1 or more Resistance of 1k – 1/2 watt for —-220v AC
2 inches width and 4 feet long PVC concealed wiring rigid batten.
On off Switch, wire, wall plug, solder etc.